
英語(yǔ)演講大賽主持詞、 good afternoon,everyone,my honoured teachers and my fellow students.i'm very honoured to be the host for today's competition this afternoon to give the opening speech for everybody.now you are watching the th “welcome new year”cup english speech contest. this is the final of senior and junior groups. thank you for coming to this afternoon’s competition. in today's show. there are contestants in both groups. they are coming from different classes of different grades. i hope we can exchange experiences of how to learn english better.these experiences will be very useful for the students in our school.so i hope we'll all make good use of this opportunity.

二、ok, now, let's warmly welcome our headmaster ,mr.fu to make remarks.(現(xiàn)在讓我們以熱烈的掌聲歡迎符校長(zhǎng)給我們講話)
(after mr fu making remarks )

三、i think it’s better for me to introduce our judges.



四、ok, time for show ,i think.the contest is spanided into two groups. the first one is group senior.(比賽分為兩個(gè)組,先進(jìn)行的是高中組)
、now. let's warmly welcome contestant no. xxx.her topic is “my school life”and contestant no. ,get ready ,please.
、let's warmly welcome contestant no. xxx .and contestant no. ,get ready ,please.
、let's warmly welcome contestant no. xxx.and contestant no. ,get ready ,please.
、let's warmly welcome contestant no. xxx.and contestant no. ,get ready ,please.
、let's warmly welcome contestant no. xxx.and contestant no.,get ready ,please.
、ladies and gentlemen,the following is a double show. now let's warmly welcome contestants no. and .and contestant no. ,get ready ,please.
、let's warmly welcome contestant no. xxx .xxxand contestant no.,get ready ,please.
、let's warmly welcome contestant no. xxx .and contestant no.,
get ready ,please.
、let's warmly welcome contestant no.鐘雄燕 .and contestant no.,
get ready ,please.
、let's warmly welcome the last contestant no. and xxx get onto the stage and give us a performance.

五、wonderful! these ten contestants give us a wonderful show. now, ladies and gentlemen, let’s get down to the other show .( 現(xiàn)在讓我們進(jìn)入另一場(chǎng)比賽,既初中組的演講賽)
、first, let’s warmly welcome contestant no. xxx,his topic is “my scool life”and contestant no. get ready please.
、the next one making a speech for us is contestant no.xxx. let's welcome.
、let's continue the competition. the next will be no.xxx please.her topic is “my family”and contestant no. get ready please
、now it’s time for no. xxx.her topic is “my friend”. no. get ready please.
、evryone has friends.now let’s come to another topic“our english teacher”.welcome contestant no. xxx. and contestant no. get ready please
、welcome contestant no. xxx.his topic is“honesty” and contestant no. get ready please
、now let’s warmly welcome contestant no.xxx.her topic is “how should one read a book”. contestant no. get ready please
、welcome contestant no. xxx. contestant no. get ready please
、now it’s time for no. xxx.her topic is “my good friend”. contestant no. get ready please,

